
The First B2B Sourcing Platform Exclusively for Premium Fashion

About MakersValley

All in 1 Sourcing Management that would handle everything from bidding to shipping. The platform would provide access to vetted Italian apparel manufacturers, have full transparency with their process of making the product from the factory. They would also allow for small batches of clothing to be made, as low as 30, and with every account, there would be a dedicated account manager that would support the user.

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Problem statement

Omnichannel Rise: The rise of DTC shopping trends has increased the need for competitive fashion brands to champion their own exclusivity and differentiate themselves.
Sourcing in a New Era: pandemic has disrupted traditional apparel and footwear sourcing.
Supply Chain Sustainability: Brands are seeking way to engage customers in their product creation process. As customers become more aware of issues in fashion, brands need to respond by making their processes and sources more transparent.

Traction information

- 360K ARR
- 32 subscribers
- Awarded 100K grant funding
- Mass Challenge finalist winner


Emilio Caamano has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 3 years ago
Feng Chi Wang has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 3 years ago
Feng Chi Wang has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 3 years ago
Profile created.
Added over 3 years ago


Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$100,000
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