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THE #1 RANKED SALES CALL SIMULATOR : Simmie provides high quality practice and customized feedback & coaching for sales reps while management gets a trusted sales training system they can scale.
Revolutionizing farming, on earth and in space
AI-powered analytics for esports made simple and accessible.
Blockchain Infrastructure - The foundation of trust in a connected world.
Unify your event team on one central event management software platform Arovia helps salespeople be more effective at tradeshows and on the road with a 25 inch computer display that collapses down into a Bose headphone case for portability. The company’s biggest problem is selling out of inventory after being named the #1 new product reveal at CES. 13 patents granted in nanomaterials and optics.
Locates groundwater BEFORE drilling, saving property owners thousands in well drilling attempts.
National real estate brokerage turning trillions of data points into instant property intelligence
A Proactive Care Service for Providers and Health Systems
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