
Renting Made Easy

About TapGoods

Renting inventory (i.e. tools, equipment, tents, chairs, AV) is HARD, for both renters and rental companies. It’s a giant, $1T industry still using old tech.

TapGoods is the leading modern platform making renting easy.

We’re following a 4-part playbook used by companies such as OpenTable, MINDBODY, and Storable to reach $2.5B+ valuations in smaller markets. Our platform includes:
- TapGoods PRO automates rental operations
- TapGoods Storefront enhances online business with current customers
- Marketplace provides rentals online for new customers for rental businesses
- Payments captures margin with integrated payments

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Problem statement

Renters, used to things in their life being easy and online, want to rent online but can't.

Rental businesses either manage their business by relying on pen and paper or use outdated, legacy software. Either way, they rely on labor-intensive, manual processes and fail to offer a modern shopping experience.

Traction information

- Game-changing SaaS software
- $200M/year in rental volume
- #1 event rentals marketplace, Reventals
- Top payments system, netting 110-115bps of profit


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Added over 1 year ago
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Anna Rinke has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 1 year ago
Ida Dahl has visited this profile using a private link.
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Feng Chi Wang has visited this profile using a private link.
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Added over 1 year ago


Not raising capital right now

round goal
Total raised to date:$15,000,000
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