Segen-Health, Corp


About Segen-Health, Corp

Segen-Health offers a comprehensive wellness platform that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals across the MSK and mental health spectrum. Through the integration of AI-driven technology and experienced wellness professionals, we provide personalized support, actionable insights, and evidence-based interventions to optimize health outcomes with our proprietary APP and Sensors.


Problem statement

The prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions (MSK) disorders presents a formidable challenge in contemporary healthcare. With a growing emphasis on preventive care and holistic wellness, there emerges an urgent opportunity to transform the management of these conditions. Globally, the healthcare sector faces a crisis exacerbated by the escalating costs associated with MSK ailments. In the United States alone, MSK conditions incur costs amounting to $380.9 billion annually, a figure that continues to rise steadily as the population ages.

Traction Metrics

Traction information

MOU for 55K covered lives through Physician Practice
Preliminary design of app with extensive content library
Discussions with Unions for MOU
Expert team with substantial experience in AI, Sensors, Wellness and Physician Engagement
Signed Outside sales agreement
Board of Directors and Advisory Board to facilitate growth


May 2024


MOU Signed from Orion West for 55K covered lives

May 2024

Advisory Board

Advisory Board Added key principles to assist with Business

March 2024

Outside Sales Consultant Hired

Retained outside sales consult with substantial ties to facilitate Union engagement


Profile created.
Added 3 months ago


Currently raising capital

Total raised to date:$10,000
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