
Surface Engineering Research and Development Company located in Fayetteville, Arkansas

About SurfTec

SurfTec is a privately held company formed in 2015 to commercialize the patented low-friction technology pioneered by the company founders, Dr. Samuel Beckford, CEO, and Dr. Min Zou, CTO. The vision of SurfTec is to pioneer the development of innovative material surfaces based on nanotechnology. The team’s background in Surface Engineering, Materials Science, Tribology, and Nanomechanics and involvement in academic research is a significant advantage for continuous innovation. SurfTec has been awarded a National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research Phase I and II grant and the Department of Energy’s Next Generation of Electric Machines: Enabling Technologies grant to commercialize its patented low-friction technology.

At SurfTec, we develop polymer nanoparticle composite low-friction coatings that can be used at extreme temperatures and in caustic environments. The vision of SurfTec is to reduce/eliminate oil consumption in mechanical systems by employing its low-friction coating as a protective layer to prevent metal-on-metal contact in mechanical systems. The successful transition from traditional lubricants to SurfTec's coating in manufacturing has tremendous implications for the US economy and the environment.


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