Tangible Intelligence

Turning Documents in Data

About Tangible Intelligence

AutoExtract.ai goes beyond optical character recognition (OCR) to extract structured information from any document. Our Artificial Agents are trained by example and powered by cutting-edge AI solutions, converting all of your PDFs and scanned documents into structured data, and allowing you to focus on the things that make your business succeed

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Problem statement

Companies are spending too much time and money dealing with papers, faxes, and manually extracting data from physical documents.

Traction information

- 500K services revenue
- projecting $56M ARR in 18 Months
- winner of UTD big idea competition
- Outstanding team


Matthew Coburn has visited this profile using a private link.
Added about 2 years ago
Matthew Coburn has visited this profile using a private link.
Added about 2 years ago
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Added about 2 years ago
Pamela Foster Brady has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Jonathan Chizick has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
Jonathan Chizick has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
Feng Chi Wang has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
Feng Chi Wang has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
Morgan Odell has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
Profile created.
Added almost 3 years ago


Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$100,000
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