Maintenance and Repair as a service

About ResQ TRX

On-demand access to maintenance and repair services for the heavy equipment and transportation industry.
We offer Maintenance and Repair as a Service to individuals and companies nationwide.

We create value through our streamlined process, cross-industry payment platform, and AI to cater to the field personnel involved in the transactions to manage expectations and transparency throughout the process.

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Problem statement

Large to medium Transportation companies outsource a significant part of their maintenance and repair.
The remaining industry is fragmented and has little to no capacity for in-house maintenance and repairs.

1. Finding reliable service throughout the country.
2. Lack of trust between service shops, transportation companies, and their employees, especially outside major cities.
3. Fragmentation leads to Information asymmetry, which leads to high costs.

Traction information

We are now revenue positive and are building our operations to grow strategically.
We have gotten positive feedback from our customers who love our service.
Due to safety concerns, we got referrals from highway USDOT officers to help the stranded drivers.


January 2023

Revenue positive

We became revenue-positive in January 2023. Since then, we have been working on our operations and product to fix issues and consistently growing our revenue,


Shahzad Malik has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
Muhammad Ajlan Tahir has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago

Successfully completed Middle America Trucking Show and got overwhelming support, especially by Women in Trucking, with over 500 contacts to reach out to.

got more than 300 trucks interested in signing up for our service in a short time without even reaching out to them.

completed our Houston market signup with mechanics, on to Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and then Oklahoma

Completed our Pre-Seed with overwhelming support from the local community

Won the Code Launch 2022 Houston Challange out of 700+ companies.

Mery Ramirez has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
Profile created.
Added almost 3 years ago


Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$700,000
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