Advanced Bifurcation Systems Inc.


About Advanced Bifurcation Systems Inc.

Advanced Bifurcation Systems, Inc ("ABS") is a California-based company which has developed a proprietary stent delivery system to effectively treat coronary bifurcation lesions. The addressable market is $5.0+ billion with 1.6 million procedures performed annually.

Founded by cardiologist Dr. Mehran Khorsandi and medical devices engineer Henry Bourang, ABS is positioned to solve one of the most technically challenging problems – the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions - that has eluded the medical device world since the first human implant of a coronary stent in 1986. Bifurcation lesions are prevalent in about 35% of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (“CABG”) procedures and about 20% of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (“PCI”) procedures. Patients confronting coronary bifurcation lesions are currently left with only two options: (1) complex stenting procedures with suboptimal and unpredictable results; or (2) higher risk, and more expensive, open-heart CABG surgery.

The ABS System is not a stent. It is a proprietary stent delivery system. From prototype to final product, the ABS System has been evaluated through bench testing, animal implants (at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles) and 10 human implants across 3 international medical centers – all with successful results. The ABS System is specifically designed to efficiently treat coronary bifurcation lesions with predictable results.

The key attributes of ABS are:

• highly simplified approach to bifurcation stenting (which is a growing clnical challenge: ~20% of coronary PCIs and ~35% of CABGs present with bifurcation lesions)

• ABS’s 6F bifurcation platform is designed for automatic orientation and alignment: ~10-15 minutes for procedure completion with full lesion coverage and side-branch access

• US$22 million invested to date, with US$10.4 million Series A Preferred financing (Nov 2020)

• 65 issued and 17 pending patents with freedom to operate opinion

• first-in-human trials (10 patients) completed with 100% success (with 1 year follow-up) and excellent clinical results
• fully developed product with regulatory pathway clearly defined

• large, and growing, addressable market (US$5+ billion)

• institutional investors and Board members

• KOL support from leading cardiologists globally

• multiple exist pathways with timing alternatives.

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