Athlete Foundry, Inc.

THINK: Mission Control for Parents

About Athlete Foundry, Inc.

We are NOT a recruiter, we are an EdTech company.

Athlete Foundry is a veteran-owned, veteran-led, Educational Technology company based in Austin, Texas that helps ALL families maximize student athlete success, regardless of zip code. We are unapologetically committed to level the playing field with our first-in-the-nation platform.

We give parents of middle & high school student athletes a comprehensive 6th thru 12th grade roadmap that lets them build their most comprehensive ATHUMADEMIC resume (athletic + human + academic), improve their odds of becoming a collegiate athlete, increase their college financial assistance potential, and help prepare them to be successful in life after sports ---- regardless of current ability or zip code.


Problem statement

Athlete Foundry, a veteran-owned and veteran-led EdTech company, is overhauling and reimagining the misinformed, broken, and defective road to collegiate athletics that continues to feed the deep inequities in youth athletics. In fact, at least 80% of parents don't know the basic steps from 6th through 12th grade to develop and maximize their child's options for college, athletics, and life after college.

Athlete Foundry solves this problem and gives parents of middle & high school student athletes a fully on-line 6th thru 12th grade roadmap that lets them build their most comprehensive ATHUMADEMIC resume (athletic + human + academic), improve their odds of becoming a collegiate athlete, increase their college financial assistance potential, and ultimately help prepare them to be successful in life after sports ---- regardless of current ability or zip code. Think: mission control for the parent.

Traction information


From K-12 school superintendents, counselors, and coaches, to college athletic directors and college coaches, to Executive Director of America’s #1 female-only youth soccer club Girls Academy, to the teams at Raptor Capital, Mainsail Partners, and Roth Capital — all have said nothing like Athlete Foundry exists on the planet. We have a first-in-the-Nation platform.

We sit at the nexus of athletics and education, with an opportunity to impact the college recruiting space, K-12 non-athlete space, and international markets — adding multiple revenue streams. NO ONE across America dominates this category, YET. We have an achievable plan to scale, dominate, and own this category.


Despite launching in July 2019 just prior to COVID, we have gone from 0 to 34 partners (radical attractiveness) across athletic, education, and non-athletic spaces (powerful dissimilar access points), in the very challenging last 3+ years (grit). We continue to grow, currently with over 1,300 student athletes and over 1,300 parents; all with a small, scrappy, and disciplined team with a radical vision. While you will love the horse (platform, purpose, vision), you can confidently bet on the jockey to victory (CEO).


Profile created.
Added over 1 year ago


Not raising capital right now

round goal
Total raised to date:$202,000
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