
Copy5 helps networked companies collaborate by bringing internal and external teams to a unified digital space and providing intelligent analytics to measure productivity of people working remotely.

About Copy5

Focusing on video, digital communication, document and data organization, project management, and external team process control, Copy5 provides unique support for cross-company collaboration.


Problem statement

Collaboration among a distributed hybrid workforce is mission critical to companies of all sizes. Current solutions offer limited features; promote disorganization, a chaotic channel structure, waste, and data loss.

Other collaboration platforms do not drive connectedness aligned with how an organization actually works, so collaboration fails.

Copy5 enables:
1) The digital workplace to deliver performance
2) Tie collaboration + execution
3) Measurements drives behavior


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Added almost 3 years ago
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Added almost 3 years ago
Rei Tran has visited this profile using a private link.
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De Zhang has visited this profile using a private link.
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Yousuf Khan has visited this profile using a private link.
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Yousuf Khan has visited this profile using a private link.
Added almost 3 years ago
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Added almost 3 years ago
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