Modern Intelligence

The Foundational AI for Defense

About Modern Intelligence

"Modern Intelligence builds the AI platform to watch all of the DOD's sensors and tell American warfighters where the bad guys are. Our first AI Cutlass is a software product that can deploy on any UXS, ship, plane, or COP to process sensor data in real-time from any sensor. Cutlass turns that sensor data into real-time, shareable, non-proprietary target tracks to act as a distributed 'red force tracker' for autonomy platforms, commanders, and weapons. Cutlass runs on the edge, has an open API, and can learn novel targets with no data and remember unique targets across time. It can detect, track, remember and share targets across DOD platforms, breaking down data silos. It has been tested with ONR, JIATF-S, NSW, NGA, and USAF tracking targets for simulated INDOPACOM and SOUTHCOM missions.

Modern has raised $12M+ in VC capital from Bedrock, Caffeinated, Contrary, Air Street, Champion Hill, and others and are a team of 14 based in Austin TX. We are sponsored by SOCOM for a TS FCL."


Problem statement

Over the next 10 years, the DOD will 10x the number of drones it deploys to see the battlefield faster and more effectively. However, it cannot 10x the volume of people dedicated to manually watching video, radar, and sonar feeds and telling each other what they see. This is how defense intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting is done today. It causes error - as humans make mistakes. It is slow - because it's limited by the number of people and how quickly they can work. And it creates data silos between DOD systems and units that make sharing enemy location difficult. All of these problems can cost lives in war and exponentially drive up the cost of solving them conventionally, manually, or with siloed computer systems.

This problem: Turning real-time sensor data from a variety of platforms into target tracks of where the bad guys are in a shareable way, is the first and most important AI problem in defense.

Traction information

- Modern has won over $2.3M in DOD contract bookings in 2 years.
- Modern's automated targeting AI has been deployed in more than 9 DOD exercises demonstrating product capability and building trust with Naval Special Warfare, Navy Surface Warfare Centers, the Office of Naval Research, the Marine Corps, the DOD's South American maritime drug interdiction mission, and the intelligence community.
- We've had more than 20 Congressional office meetings in 2024 resulting in $16M of appropriations proposals to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees on Defense 2025 budget to more rapidly field our AI.
- Modern is sponsored for a Top Secret Facilities Clearance early for a startup, unlocking classified data and contracts.


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Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$12,500,000
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