
Geovisual Data Intelligence

About Optelos

Optelos is a B2B SaaS company focused on data management and AI computer vision for Enterprise Asset Inspection. We have developed a patented solution that transforms images, videos, and documents into a unified geo-visual database to deliver visual data management, digital reality modeling, and in-process artificial intelligence analysis on a unified platform. Our solution enables Enterprises to visualize, analyze and manage their entire asset base efficiently, safely, accurately, and at scale.


Problem statement

Enterprises spend $13Billion annually to perform asset inspections, generating millions of unstructured images, videos, and documents.

All that data is stored across disjointed devices, not digitalized, and lacks automated AI analysis to automatically detect, classify, and visualize results in a cohesive workflow.

Thus the inspection process is manually intensive requiring days to compile and analyze resulting in high costs, inspection delays, and low quality.

Traction information

Our solution is deployed today in over many Enterprises and partners including : AT&T, Groupo SAESA, Texo Group, ADM, Georgia Pacific, BASF, Chemours, and RJR Tobacoo.

Product images


Daniel Neiconi has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
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Added over 2 years ago
Matthew Shackelford has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Kevin McKeand has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Kevin McKeand has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Kevin McKeand has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
Kevin McKeand has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago
David Collmann has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 2 years ago

Selected by SkyCam Aviation to provide data management software: https://optelos.com/skycam-aviation/

Partnership with FlyGuys to provide turnkey drone services: https://optelos.com/flyguys/

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