We have only soft launched our MVP web app, however over 1.4k users have already discovered and signed up to it. The biggest thing we have confirmed is that we are addressing a huge market gap in a way that users simply have not seen before. If there is one word that comes up when users understand our value proposition and use our product, it is “wow”. We have done multiple pricing surveys and have released indicative pricing but in order to obtain broad user feedback we have not yet enforced the caps on the free tier. Nonetheless, a small number of users have already migrated to paid subscription. And while we are not planning to have our enterprise-grade product ready until 2024, we have already experienced unsolicited interest from larger companies like EY testing Parabeac for internal design system creation. Our beachhead market is Flutter dev shops and several large ones are acting as formal design partners (Guru Technologies, Very Good Ventures, Bhuvi IT Solutions). Some of the feedback has identified important usability challenges, all of which we are addressing in our current engineering plan, with completion triggering our 3Q full commercial launch. Google (creators of Flutter) recently awarded Parabeac a non-dilutive $100K grant.