PMC Insight, Inc.

We Keep Mission-Critical Facilities UP!

About PMC Insight, Inc.

PMC Insight is the first truly end-to-end digitized building management solution. We touch all of your building equipment, sensors, monitors, people, robots from floor to floor, city to city, and continent to continent. The result: high powered digitized building management achieving that 99.999% UP time and getting your sleep back!!  We educate the next generation of mission critical professionals and provide the technology and visual tools necessary to reduce risk and create enterprise culture, standardization, operational efficiency and consistency for the industry. Our holding company started as a Boutique Mission Critical Engineering Consulting Firm. Over time, our Founder, Peter Curtis, developed the first automated and patented facilities process management solutions as well as authored the industry's handbook - "Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment", whereby over 30,000 books are utilized worldwide in both major universities and with some of the largest corporate operations. After having developed, evolved and deployed our SmartSOLUTIONS with Fortune 1000 enterprise global customers, we recently launched PMC Insight to develop the next stage of our technology with Analytics, AI, AR/VR, Robotics, SmartGEAR and IoT. We are excited for this next phase and looking for enthusiastic supporters to take our SmartSOLUTIONS to this next level!

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Problem statement

Managing commercial buildings and critical infrastructures is an important business and can be further complicated by equipment failures, natural disasters, catastrophic events as well as human error that reduces reliability alone by approximately 60%. Another challenge in our field is what we call The Silver Tsunami, which refers to the thousands of seasoned critical infrastructure team leaders and team members, who are retiring daily. This is an unprecedented loss of talent in a very critical area, and most of their knowledge is in their heads versus in a learning management system, further bogged down by manual processes, including using the old clip board and pen.

Traction information

In a very short time, we have made traction with many of the largest global brands with our technology, vision and value resonating with their top brass.
The strength of our tools are planned to be implemented on an enterprise level to provide the highest level of automation, monitoring and responsiveness to ensure the safety of their infrastructures and people.
Customers include - Blackrock, Northwell Hospital, Chase, BNP Paribus
and Mount Sinai Hospital

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Emilio Caamano has visited this profile using a private link.
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Morgan Odell has visited this profile using a private link.
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Morgan Odell has visited this profile using a private link.
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Added over 3 years ago


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