Space Cowboy ADR

Space Cowboy rounds up space debris!

About Space Cowboy ADR

Space Cowboy Active Debris Remediation (ADR), founded by 26 year US Army Veteran Joe Guzman, leads the way in shaping a future sustainable space environment which can support the growth of an "off-world economy" that benefits all of us here on Earth. Space Cowboy ADR's core capability, a fleet of micro-satellite spacecraft about the size of a dishwasher, collects fragments between the sizes of 1 and 10cm in Lower Earth Orbit. Each of these fragments, while small, could completely destroy an operational satellite and create thousands of additional pieces of debris. The projected growth in both operational satellites and orbital debris demands an environmental clean-up solution.

Proudly launched at Founder's Institute, Spring 2024 Cohort. A Capital Factory portfolio company.


Problem statement

Government and Commercial space domain awareness (SDA) organizations spend hundreds of millions of dollars per year to track trash in space and have not even scratched to surface of what is needed to protect high value space assets from damaging or destructive losses due to collisions with debris. Without Active Debris Remediation (ADR), these costs will only grow over time and eventually make satellite operations impossible. There exist no capabilities to reduce/manage the growth of small debris or mitigate the risk of their collisions with active satellites, the likes of which would halt the growth of the projected $1 Trillion space economy.

Traction information

We've completed a US Space Force funded feasibility study (Orbital Prime STTR Phase I, $250K) of the technology and developed a CAD model for Space Cowboy and its patent pending Capture and Arrest Mechanism (CAM).


March 2023

Capital Factory Portfolio Company

Became Capital Factory portfolio company

July 2022

Graduated from Founder's Institute

Spring 2024 Cohort


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Not raising capital right now

Total raised to date:$250,000

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