TOPIT is a social gamification platform that allows users to create challenges to compete against friends, rivals or influencers while the audience decide the winner. Wage Coins, Win Highlights, Earn Bragging Rights


TOPIT is a social gamification platform that allows users to create and engage in an endless variety of competitions and challenges. Our users create skilled, niche, and talented content to compete between friends, rivals or celebrities.

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Problem statement

TOPIT allows content creators to monetize their skilled, talented and niche content while giving creators more control over challenge rooms, competitors, and audience. TOPIT is bridging the gap between social media and gamified content by allowing creators and brands to create challenges against the competition of choice while the audience votes for the winner based on skill, talent or niche.

Traction information

- 80,000 Downloads on the App Store
- 32,000 Users
- $5,000 MRR


Feng Chi Wang has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 3 years ago
Morgan Odell has visited this profile using a private link.
Added over 3 years ago
Profile created.
Added over 3 years ago


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