
Convenient, Affordable City Travel

About Tuktuk

The Tuktuk app provides affordable and convenient transportation with high volume, structured carpooling in Austin.

Tuktuk has host carpool rides between “Hubs”, i.e. Austin hotspots. Given that a rider is inside a Hub, they can travel in a carpool ride to their destination Hub with other riders on the exact same route. No long winded detours, no interruptions - Tuktuk will provide quick, straightforward transportation.

Check us out on the Apple App Store!

With a web of routes between city hotspots, riders can traverse the most traveled locales in Austin. Tuktuk plans to cost 25% to 50% of a standard Uber/Lyft ride for rides a few minutes longer. At the same time, Tuktuk provides far more convenient and quicker transportation than buses.

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Problem statement

Traveling in Austin Downtown can be frustrating if you don’t have a car. Austinites rely primarily on Cap Metro Buses or Uber/Lyft for their transportation needs. Although Cap Metro is affordable, it is notorious for transforming short distance rides into cramped, drawn-out bus rides. On the other hand, ride-sharing platforms like Uber and Lyft offer convenience but at a steep premium. On the spectrum of cost & convenience, we find the two options at extremes while lacking a middle ground option. Metropolitan travel needs a solution for the average Austinite.a

Traction information

- Amassed a 300+ rider app waitlist for UT students in 3 months.

- Signed 16 LOIs with Student organizations ranging from 50-500 students

- Conducted 100+ paid rides on the app since Summer 2022, launching to the public Q2 2023

- Created fully functioning rider and driver beta apps (demo: www.youtube.com/shorts/wWOw6JquIzc)
- Completely bootstrapped and developed in-house

- Raised $12.5K in non-dilutive funding from UT competitions and grants
- Equity fully held by team

- Carried out extensive market research on UT Austin population:
- Completed 35 in-depth one-on-one rider interviews and 20 in-depth driver interviews
- 340 cumulative student online survey responses

Check us out here in UT's official newspaper!

Also check out our insta to see what we've been up to: https://www.instagram.com/drivetuktuk/

Product images


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