We Go Public Management

A marketing ecosystem for public school districts
New Braunfels

About We Go Public Management

We Go Public promotes the benefits of a PreK-12 public education and its member districts. We amplify school districts' successes and drive engagement from the community through digital tools.

We Go Public exists as a comprehensive marketing ecosystem with future development powered by AI. It includes a website that serves 1200 school districts at a directory level, membership-based benefits, SEO that drives traffic, GeoMapping, on-demand marketing training, and marketing activities to promote public education.

Our customers are school district administrators including communications professionals and superintendents. Our customers are not teachers and principals of individual schools.

We Go Public is the only website and promotion vehicle for public school districts. Other companies provide services or products. We provide promotion and training through digital tools.

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Problem statement

Education is competitive as student enrollment in public schools is equal to about $7K /child. When students go elsewhere, the funds are drained from the neighborhood school.

Public schools face competition for enrollment from other education choices. Factors like COVID, charter schools, private schools, homeschooling, and teachers leaving, all affect enrollment choice.

Public schools now must market and promote their offerings. However, their constraints include a lack of marketing expertise, time, and resources.

Traction information

2019 - $120K
2022 - $327K
$50K personal funds invested

The one-stop shop platform and ecosystem is currently in two parts. The future will merge it all into one.
WeGoPublic.com and SchoolDistrictMarketingAcademy.com

We Go Public
-Started in 2013 with 7 pages to the site, it now has several hundred with an average of 150K page views/yr
- 2023: increased from 35 school districts to 1200 school districts have directory level presence on the site
-Two regions are members with a projected 50 districts at member level for the 2023-2024 school year
-Corporate partners are sponsoring districts/regions for 2023-2024: approximately $70K to date
-WeGoPublic.com: site redesign completed in July 2023 through a grant from the Charles Butt Foundation
-Focused in Texas with the vision to license to other states. We had interest from the state of Michigan two years ago.

School District Marketing Academy
- 150 school districts trained in marketing topics
- 120 school district communications professionals registered in on-demand resource library for marketing
- 8 districts as paid gold level in Academy at $2500/district
- 1800+ subscribers to monthly newsletter
- SchoolDistrictMarketingAcademy.com stands alone as it's own website. Again, the vision is to pull everything into one platform for the end-user.

AI component: concept wireframes developed, currently beta testing AI solutions


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Currently raising capital

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