
FabuLingua teaches kids a second language through interactive children's stories from all over the world. We are helping parents make learning a new language more fun and accessible for their kids so that future generations will develop the innate empathy, cultural awareness, and preparedness to lead an increasingly globalized world.

About FabuLingua

FabuLingua is a language learning platform for kids (age 2-10) based on 2interactive, children's stories created by native-speaking storytellers. Our Magical TranslationsTM interactive learning technology* delivers native and foreign language narration that is rhythmically interwoven to enable natural, subconscious language development while keeping the child engaged and focused on the story.

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Problem statement

FabuLingua is transforming the $46 Billion global language learning market through a proprietary platform that makes learning a new language fun and accessible and harnesses the power of storytellers all over the world.

Traction information

- Spent last 18 months doing extensive technology development with pending patents, launched Freemium model mid-December 2019
- Named top 50 companies in Austin to watch
- Through Jan: ~1300 installs, ~740 accounts created, ~60 subscriptions (monthly, semi, annual), ~$800 subscription revenue
- Current week: ~850 MAU, ~60 DAU playing ave 13min/day; ave 25 new accounts daily, installs growing 50-100% w-o-w.


Profile created.
Added almost 3 years ago
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