Vascular Perfusion Solutions, Inc.

Saving organs, saving lives
San Antonio

About Vascular Perfusion Solutions, Inc.

VPS, a Texas-based early-stage Medtech company, is revolutionizing organ transplantation with a focus on simplicity, ease of use, and accessibility in price through our flagship product, the VP.S ENCORE®, a hypothermic machine perfusion device for prolonged cardiac graft preservation. This innovative device represents a groundbreaking advancement in heart preservation technology, surpassing conventional methods such as the ice-cooler. It has gained FDA breakthrough device designation back in 2021 and undergone successful preclinical testing on over 100 hearts, including ovine, porcine, and human hearts donated for research.


Problem statement

VP.S ENCORE addresses a critical healthcare need in the U.S., where out of 15,000 deceased donors in 2022, only 30% of hearts were utilized, leaving 70% untapped. This stark contrast underscores the disconnect between the number of people awaiting life-saving organs and the available supply. Our technology directly tackles this problem by offering an innovative solution—prolonged preservation times and superior organ preservation. By extending the viability window to 8 hours or beyond, VP.S ENCORE aims to significantly increase organ utilization rates, bridging the gap between supply and demand and transforming the landscape of cardiac transplantation.

Traction information

- Tech Briefs Medical Innovation Grand Prize Award Winners (2021)
- FDA Breakthrough Device Designation (2021)
- DARPA awards VPS $1.3M grant to study novel perfusates for prolonged heart preservation in collaboration with the Wyss Institute at Harvard
-Completed Preclinical Animal Testing for FDA IDE submission (2023)
-Contract Manufacturing Engineers hired to design final clinical device. Engineers developed lung device that was acquired by Transmedics (2023)
-ARPA-H awards $300K to continue DARPA project (2023)
-FDA greelights pre-clinical GLP gap analysis for IDE submission (2024)
-Strategic Company in organ perfusion space ready to participate in the Series A Round (2024)
-SWPDC Pediatric Device 2023 Winner (November 2023)
-MedTech Innovator West Coast Pitch Competition (March 2024) (200 out 1200 companies selected to pitch)
-UCSF-Standford Pediatric Device Consortium Silver Award (March 2024)


March 2025

Q1 2025: $2.5M- IDE approval and First in Human

IDE approval and Begin First in Human Pivotal Clinical Trial

December 2024

Q4 2024: $2.3M – IDE submission / Launch of Class I product

IDE submission / Launch of Class I product

September 2024

Q3 2024: $2.3M- Complete Device Testing

Complete Device Testing for FDA

June 2024

Q2 2024: $1.5M- Complete Clinical Device Development and begin device testing for FDA

Complete Clinical Device Development and begin device testing for FDA

March 2024

Q1 2024: $1.4M – Development and Design of Clinical VP.S ENCORE device.

Development and Design of Clinical VP.S ENCORE device.


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Currently raising capital

round goal
Total raised to date:$8,400,000

Pitch deck

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